
The institute has participated in several research projects at national and international level. International projects are EU-funded and deal with topics of child protection on the one hand, cross border child support on the other hand.
You will find here all materials and expert records in English.

Projects at national level deal with a broad spectrum of youth welfare related topics, e.g. financing of child care, rights of access to children or early help for young children and their families. You will find short reports in English, most materials are available in German only.


International Research projects

International child protection

files/downloads/2016/Projekt MAChiPP/EU-Logo_klein.jpg


files/downloads/2016/Forschung und Projekte Seite/Log_daphnel.jpg

files/downloads/2016/Forschung und Projekte Seite/Log_daphnel.jpg

files/downloads/2016/Projekt MAChiPP/EU-Logo_klein.jpg


International Child Support




files/downloads/2016/Projekt MAChiPP/EU-Logo_klein.jpg

National Research Projects

If you are interests in one of the following national projects please contact the given email address:

Child Protection in Germany

files/downloads/2016/Forschung und Projekte Seite/Logo_Aktionsprogramm-Familienbesucher.jpg

files/downloads/2016/Forschung und Projekte Seite/Projekt-Bild_Meine Kindheit Deine Kindheit.jpg


Early Help for Families

files/downloads/2016/Forschung und Projekte Seite/Bild_Publikation.jpg

files/downloads/2016/Forschung und Projekte Seite/Logo_Aktionsprogramm-Familienbesucher.jpg

files/downloads/2016/Forschung und Projekte Seite/Bild_Publikation_Guter Start ins Kinderleben.jpg

Infant Save Haven


Refugee Children and their Families

files/downloads/2015/Projekt KIWA/logo-eu-foerdert-farbig-ai_klein.jpg

files/downloads/2016/Projekt MAChiPP/EU-Logo_klein.jpg

research report